Thursday, September 23, 2010

something taken is something again

i had been sleeping in the park
on a queen-sized bed with sheets, a comforter
and four pillows
i wanted to go home
the soma stained the pillowcase
the woman was not sexy, she was famous
a dream by the window

that would not close from too much jewelry
wind tore inside and i looked for my rings
while weaving charms into an airtight seal
my mother's parents waited to take me
to the theater after my twin brother was murdered
and most people thought suicide
but i witnessed everything
and it killed everybody

ambience reads the rupture
unlike rock 'n roll
unlike tradition
the tedium affords no pleasure sufficient
to continue as we continue
we demand different hooks

exercise overcomes
the suggestion made to push 

straight to the threshold
then something else happens
all felt waves are alpha waves

conscious below
heaven above
the earth between, among, or else